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정재민 (Jae Min Jeong,  Ph. D.)

전문분야 : 방사약학 

1977. 3 ~ 1982. 2

서울대학교 약학대학 학사

1982. 3 ~ 1984. 2

서울대학교 약학대학원 약학과 석사

1984. 3 ~ 1989. 2

서울대학교 약학대학원 약학과 박사



경력 및 연수
Teaching Assistant, Department of Biochemistry, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University (Mar. 1983 ~ Dec. 1983)
Research Scientist, Central Laboratory, Seoul National University Hospital (May. 1985 Dec. 1989)
Instructor, Department of Biochemistry, College of Natural Science, Kangwon National University (Mar. 1986 ~ Jul. 1986)
Consultant, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital (Dec. 1989 ~ Aug. 1990)
Visiting fellow, Department of Nuclear Medicine, National Institutes of Health, U.S.A. (Sep. 1990 ~ Sep. 1993)
Researcher, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital (Sep. 1993 ~ Feb. 1994)
Director, Cyclotron and Radiochemistry, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital (Mar. 1994 ~ Present)
Instructor, Seoul National University College of Medicine (Mar. 1994 ~ Feb. 1996)
Assistant Professor, Seoul National University College of Medicne (Mar. 1996 ~ Feb. 1999)
Associate Professor, Seoul National University College of Medicne (Mar. 1999 Mar. 2005)
Supervisor of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Seoul National University Hospital (Jun. 28th 2001 ~ Present)
Professor, Seoul National University College of Medicine (Apr. 2005 ~ Present)
Deputy Chairperson, International Policy Research Committee, World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (Jan. 1st 2003 ~ Oct. 27th 2006)
Executive Manager, Radiopharmaceutical Committee, Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine (Jan. 2002 ~ Dec. 2008)
Director, Radiation Safety Office, Seoul National University Hospital (Jan. 10th 2005 ~ 2012)
Manager of Nuclear Scientists, Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine (Jan. 2002 ~ Dec. 2008)
Editorial Board, Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Jan. 1999 ~ Dec. 2001)
Appointment for Radiation Safety, Seoul National University College of Medicine (Feb. 2006 ~ present)
Research safety management committee (IBC) of Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National University Hospital (Oct. 1st 2006 ~ present)
Director, Brain Plasticity Imaging National Research Laboratory (Jun. 1st 2008 ~ 2016)
Steering Committee Member of Korean PET Association (Apr. 14th 2008)
Radiopharmaceutical Committee Member of Korean Radioisotope Association (Apr. 2008 ~ present)
Manager of Publish, Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine (Jan. 2009 ~ Dec. 2010)
Associate Editor, Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Jan. 2009 ~ present)
Editorial Board, Nuclear Medicine and Biology (Jan. 2009 ~ present)
Radiation Safety Committee Member of Korean Radioisotope Association (Apr. 8th 2009 ~ present)
Institution Review Board Member of Seoul National University Hospital (Sep. 2010 ~ Aug. 2014)
Board of Directors, Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (Sep. 1st 2011 ~ present)
Secretary General, 29th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (Sep. 1st 2011 Oct 2013)
Editorial Board, American Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (Aug. 2012 ~ present)
Editorial Board, The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Jun. 26th 2013 ~ present)
President, Korean Society of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Probes (Feb. 2014 ~ Apr. 2016)
Editor-in-chief, J Radiopharm Mol Probs (Jan. 2015 ~ present)
President-Elect, Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (May. 31 2015 ~ present)




Korean Society of Biochemistry
Korean Society of Pharmacy
Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine
Korean Society of Chemistry
Society of Nuclear Medicine (U.S.A.)
Society of Radiopharmacology
American Chemical Society
Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences

서울특별시 종로구 대학로 101 (연건동 28)
진료예약안내 | 1588-5700
Copyrightⓒ 2017 Department of Nuclear Medicine Seoul National University Hospital. All Rights Reserved.
서울대학교병원은 환자중심,인간존중,지식창조,사회봉사라는 경영이념을 통해 신체적/정신적 어려움으로 병원을 찾는 모든 환자의 권리를 존중하고, 최선의 진료를 제공하기 위하여 다음과 같이 선언한다.
존엄의 권리
환자는 존엄한 인간으로서 예우받을 권리가 있다.
평등의 권리
환자는 성별, 연령, 종교 또는 사회적 신분을 떠나 평등한 진료를 받을 권리가 있다.
설명을 들을 권리
환자는 의료진으로부터 질병의 진단,치료계획,결과,예후에 대한 설명을 들을 권리가 있다.
선택의 권리
환자는 치료,검사,수술,입원 등 본인에게 이루어지는 의료행위에 대한 설명을 듣고 시행여부를 선택할 권리가 있다.
개인신상 비밀을 보호받을 권리
환자는 진료내용,신체의 비밀 및 개인생활의 비밀을 보호받을 권리가 있다.