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Gamma | 99mTc-HMPAO를 이용한 Brain SPECT Study에서 Dynamic Brain SPECT

페이지 정보

작성자 : 서울대 핵의학과 작성일2017-02-01 조회3,745회


서울대학교병원 핵의학과

조성욱. 문일상. 김진의. 조규진

Dynamic Brain SPECT in the Brain SPECT Study by using 99mTc-HMPAO

Seung Wook Cho, Il Sang Moon, Jin Eui Kim, Kyu Chin Cho

Department of Nuclear Medicine Seoul National University Hospital



Basal Brain SPECT study has been done by setting 20~30 sec/frame after injection of

99mTc-HMPAO. We want to discuss the availability of using Dynamic Brain SPECT in Brain SPECT

study by setting the ROI to brain blood flow region per time and making the quantitative analysis.


1. Collect the Dynamic Brain SPECT image made by using Prism3000(3head camera) LHER-fan beam

collimator.(128×128 word mode, 1sec/3°/40frame, collection of total twenty five raw data)

2. After collection of Dynamic Brain SPECT image, you can obtain the raw data of Basal Brain

SPECT by setting 20-30sec/3°/frame and 128×128 word mode.

3. Get each coefficient variation by setting twenty five ROI upon the collected Dynamic Brain SPECT


4. Analyse the change per time by each coefficient.

5. Get each coefficient variation by setting twenty five ROI upon the Basal Brain SPECT data.

6. Analyse the Dynamic Brain SPECT data by interval of 40sec, and simultaneously compare them

with Basal Brain SPECT data.


In Dynamic Brain SPECT, Whole Brain(40sec/interval) radioactivity coefficient variation

was 15~20count/pixel on average and it showed constant Plateau on the time-radioactivity curve.

In the quantitative analysis of Dynamic Brain SPECT and Basal Brain SPECT, Basal Right/Left mean

ratio was 0.7-1.47 as comparing twelve ROI, Dynamic Right/Left mean ratio 0.67-1.38, Basal

Right/Left max ratio 0.86-1.31, and Dynamic Right/Left max ratio 0.87-1.27 .


When we get projection data from Dynamic Brain SPECT by 1sec/frame with injection, The

availability is First, basal brain flow image can be obtained by add file.

And another, brain blood SPECT study can be displayed by quantitative analysis of twenty five ROI

per time.

Key Word : Basal Brain SPECT, Dynamic Brain SPECT

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