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Metabolic and metastatic characteristics of ALK-rearranged lung adenocarcinoma on FDG PET/CT.

Lung Cancer. 2013 Mar;79(3):242-7. 

Choi HPaeng JC, Kim DW, Lee JK, Park CM, Kang KW, Chung JK, Lee DS.


Metabolic characteristics of Castleman disease on 18F-FDG PET in relation to clinical implication.

Clin Nucl Med. 2013 May;38(5):339-42.

Lee ES, Paeng JC, Park CM, Chang W, Lee WW, Kang KW, Chung JK, Lee DS.



Prognostic value of preoperative metabolic tumor volume measured by 18F-FDG PET/CT and MRI in patients with endometrial cancer.

Gynecol Oncol. 2013 Sep;130(3):446-51. 

Chung HH, Lee I, Kim HS, Kim JW, Park NH, Song YS, Cheon GJ.



Thyroglobulin in washout fluid from lymph node fine-needle aspiration biopsy in papillary thyroid cancer: large-scale validation of the cutoff value to determine malignancy and evaluation of discrepant results.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Mar;98(3):1061-8.

Moon JH, Kim YI, Lim JA, Choi HS, Cho SW, Kim KW, Park HJ, Paeng JC, Park YJ, Yi KH, Park do J, Kim SE, Chung JK.



Total lesion glycolysis by 18F-FDG PET/CT is a reliable predictor of prognosis in soft-tissue sarcoma.

Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2013 Dec;40(12):1836-42.

Choi ES, Ha SG, Kim HS, Ha JH, Paeng JC, Han I.



Total lesion glycolysis in positron emission tomography is a better predictor of outcome than the International Prognostic Index for patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma.

Cancer. 2013 Mar 15;119(6):1195-202.

Kim TM, Paeng JC, Chun IK, Keam B, Jeon YK, Lee SH, Kim DW, Lee DS, Kim CW, Chung JK, Kim IH, Heo DS.



Detection and Characterization of Parathyroid Adenoma/Hyperplasia for Preoperative Localization: Comparison Between 11C-Methionine PET/CT and 99mTc-Sestamibi Scintigraphy.

Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2013 Sep;47(3):166-72.

Chun IK, Cheon GJ, Paeng JC, Kang KW, Chung JK, Lee DS.



Differential Diagnosis of Borderline Ovarian Tumors from Stage I Malignant Ovarian Tumors using FDG PET/CT.

Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2013 Jun;47(2):81-8. 

Kim C, Chung HH, Oh SW, Kang KW, Chung JK, Lee DS.



Heterogeneity Analysis of 18F-FDG Uptake in Differentiating Between Metastatic and Inflammatory Lymph Nodes in Adenocarcinoma of the Lung: Comparison with Other Parameters and its Application in a Clinical Setting.

Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2013 Dec;47(4):232-41. 

Budiawan H, Cheon GJ, Im HJ, Lee SJ, Paeng JC, Kang KW, Chung JK, Lee DS



Parametric Cerebrovascular Reserve Images Using Acetazolamide 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT: A Feasibility Study of Quantitative Assessment.

Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2013 Sep;47(3):188-95. 

Choi H, Yoo MY, Cheon GJ, Kang KW, Chung JK, Lee DS.

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